Composting at home
So: composting - really not very difficult to do. It's said about 40% of one's average bin is suitable for home composting. That's a lot. Now I only know how to do this from reading and experience, and would love for more experienced or knowledgeable people to share their experience, but this is what I know about composting:Well, it's actually pretty simple. almost any of your kitchen waste can be composted. There is a great site that explains it perfectly- Basically there's green and brown waste and you want a bit of both - green being more food things and brown like paper bags and egg cartons. Look at that site, honestly, so easy to use. Just notice that there are a few things you should NOT compost: meat, fish, cooked food, coal, cat litter, dog feces, disposable nappies and diseased plants. Then it comes to the actual pile, now here there are two general methods: "The cold method" To start- Either build a heap or get a large bin (with a lid). Locate either directly on soil- and then you don't need a bottom, or on a surface but either way it has to be away from water courses. It's best to place at the bottom of your bin woody plant stems or twigs. Then simply add compostable items whenever you have them, and a scrunched up bit of cardboard every once in a while to help create air spaces. When the container is full you can leave it for about a year to fully decompose. You could also remove from container, you'll find what is at the bottom will most likely be ready to use in your garden. Mix the rest up adding water if dry or dry material if soggy. Put back into container to continue composting process. "The hot method" To start- gather enough material to fill your container in one go. It's fine to add some of the stuff from your cold heap too. Chop everything up and mix well together. Put everything in your bin while watering it. Within a few days your bin will start to feel warm to touch. A week or two later, when it starts cooling down again, remove everything from bin and mix it all up well. Add water if dry, or dry material if soggy, then put back into bin. Repeat this a few times, until it stops heating up. Then just leave to finish decomposing.